The Clash of Ideas on Campus: The State of the First Amendment at Public Universities
TFAS and The Association of Public and Land-grant Universities will explore the complex free speech issues confronting public universities. Public universities are vital pillars of our democracy, helping to advance knowledge and serving as venues for vigorous debate and the free expression of speech and ideas. Yet in recent years, some have questioned both that role and also the open-mindedness of students and faculty. At the same time, public universities have become a backdrop for some individuals who aim to sow discord, rather than advance a meaningful public dialogue.
Pulitzer Prize-winning columnist Clarence Page of the Chicago Tribune will moderate our expert panel featuring:
- Richard Cohen, President of Southern Poverty Law Center
- Howard Gillman, Chancellor of University of California, Irvine
- Alejandrina Guzman, 2017-18 Student Government President at the University of Texas at Austin
- Stephen F. Hayes (AIPES 94, Novak 00), TFAS Alumnus and Editor-in-Chief of The Weekly Standard
To attend, please register at Pre-registration is required and space is limited.