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Founders’ Day Campaign


Help TFAS Educate Even More Americans To Advance Truth and Liberty

For 53 years, The Fund for American Studies (TFAS) has led the effort to change the world by developing leaders for a free society in government, business, and journalism. TFAS achieves this by teaching America’s founding principles of limited government, free-market economics and honorable leadership to students, young professionals, and their educators.

But as TFAS begins its 54th year—beginning with our February 6 anniversary—America needs your help to grow TFAS’s impact. The demand for the seductive promises of the progressive movement has made TFAS more essential than ever!

Americans who partner with TFAS understand this challenge. Through teaching our founding principles to young people and their educators, we can stem the growing demand for government-control and regulation over many aspects of our lives … and instead teach Americans the powerful principles of truth, liberty, and virtue.

For that reason, our Founders’ Day Campaign, beginning February 6, aims to dramatically increase the number of students we can reach this year. 

Our goal is to raise $20,000 before the end of this month to ensure we can accomplish this plan.

All gifts received through February 29 to this campaign will be used to:

  • Develop and launch new speaking sessions, which then are printed up as Teaching Freedom guides—such as Lessons from Sweden and Why Millennials Should Embrace Capitalism, Not Socialism—so that we can get them into the hands of over 100,000 people.
  • Grow the number of college-aged people and their educators that will hear the horrifying true story of the brutality of socialism in Venezuela from our asylum-seeking speakers, Andrés Guilarte and Jorge Galicia.
  • Sustain the growing influence of TFAS by educating students and preparing them for leadership roles in government, business, and journalism.
  • Establish more educational programs through our Foundation for Teaching Economics (FTE) initiative and expand the reach to teach high school level students and their educators, to fight the progressive narrative that capitalism fosters greed and is evil.
  • Expand our journalism fellowship program to teach future journalists the virtues of reporting on facts and unbiased truth.
  • Grow our Law Fellowship from 16 this year to 25 in 2020 to teach future leaders in the legal system to value the Constitution as they go forward and practice law.
  • Create more internships for future leaders in public policy, international affairs, journalism, business-government relations, and executive leadership to prepare them to lead with your values as their foundation.

Your tax-deductible Founder’s Day Campaign gift by February 29 will help fund these initiatives and many more in 2020. And since we refuse to take a single penny of government money, we entirely rely upon your support to accomplish this mission.

Your gift today will expand our reach to fuel even more growth in these strategic initiatives to help keep Americans free. Without your support today the rampant danger of progressive indoctrination will continue to be unchallenged. We believe deeply in the impact of this plan will have on our country—and we hope you do, too.

Time is limited to make an impact with your special Founders’ Day Campaign gift. The deadline is February 29. Please donate today to invest in America’s future leaders in government, business, law, and journalism today!

Finally, when you make a gift of $100 or more today, we’ll also send you a free copy of 2004 TFAS alumna Mollie Hemingway’s national bestseller “Justice on Trial: The Kavanaugh Confirmation and the Future of the Supreme Court.” It’s amazing (4.9 stars on Amazon). Mollie is one example of what your investment in TFAS can achieve. She’s now a senior editor at the influential Federalist publication, and you often see her on Fox News defending American principles.

You can fight against the growing demand for socialism in our country by educating Americans—including young people—to champion civic virtue, a strong moral compass, and an appreciation of America’s founding principles when you make your gift below.


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