We hope you enjoy these top news stories about TFAS activities, alumni and events this week. Please visit us on social media for additional up-to-the-moment TFAS news and information and sign up to receive weekly updates.
TFAS alumni, staff and faculty continue to make headlines. Read news, analysis and updates by visiting this week’s “Quick Links.”
Only $1k Remains in Alumni Matching Gift Challenge – Double Your Impact Today
Thanks to generous alumni, TFAS will be able to give more scholarships to deserving leaders in 2021. On Giving Tuesday 2020, countless TFAS alumni kicked off our end of year Alumni Give Back campaign to support future students and share the gift of a TFAS education.
In one day, TFAS saw the most-ever gifts from alumni, with support coming from graduates of TFAS programs from the 1970s all the way to 2020.
Although only completing a TFAS program a few months ago, Luke Bunting, Law ’20, knows the importance of giving back. Bunting completed the TFAS Summer Law Fellowship program virtually in August and says TFAS’s work to educate and equip the next generation of leaders with the knowledge they need to promote the pillars of democracy is invaluable.
“In this environment, the work that TFAS does to educate young people has become more important than ever,” Bunting said. “We rely on the products put out by TFAS to provide us with fact-based defenses of free markets, personal liberty, and limited government that can inform our own thinking and help us to champion those ideas on campus and in our future careers.”
To inspire even more alumni gifts, two anonymous alumni stepped up to create a matching gift fund. All gifts made by TFAS alumni before the end of the year will be matched, dollar for dollar (up to $15,000) until Dec. 31.
To learn more about how you can support future leaders, visit TFAS.org/AlumniGiveBack2020.
TFAS Supporter Spotlight: A Q&A With Nancy Einhorn
We recently spoke with TFAS supporter Nancy Einhorn, who believes TFAS programs have the best recipe for reaching the next generation of responsible leaders. That’s why she’s generously set up an automatic transfer of her monthly Social Security check to go directly to TFAS.
Einhorn said she first became connected with TFAS in 2004 when Trustee Fred Barnes sent her a fundraising letter. After learning more about the Journalism + Communications track of TFAS’s D.C. Summer Programs, Einhorn gradually became more involved in promoting the TFAS mission.
She believes that TFAS programs are imperative to the professional development of the next generation of leaders around the world.
“TFAS is dedicated to teaching young people the ideas of limited government, liberty and free market economics,” Einhorn said. “These are critically important concepts that are disappearing from the curriculum in many of our colleges, universities and high schools.”
Learn more about Nancy’s motivation to support future leaders at TFAS.org/Einhorn.
TFAS Programs Give Students “Front-Row Seat” to Historic Moments in D.C.
DeLand, Florida residents Nina Oeberg ’20 and Christopher Fortes ’20 got an up-close view of Washington, D.C., as TFAS Capital Semester students this fall. In an interview with the West Volusia Beacon, the college students shared the excitement they felt being in D.C. during several historic moments that took place this year.
“We literally have a front-row seat of all of the policy decisions going on in the U.S. right now,” Fortes told the Beacon.
The students also shared that the TFAS program exposed them to new ideas and people, giving them a broader perspective on the world around them.
“Being able to have conversations with people who don’t think like you, act like you, or look like you [is important],” Oeberg said. “Every connection matters.”
Read the full interview in the West Volusia Beacon.
Economics Lesson of The Week: The Great Depression – A Family’s Choices
TFAS provides resources to help teachers and parents continue the important task of educating our nation’s future leaders. Our “Economics Lesson of The Week” series features new lessons from our high school programming division – the Foundation for Teaching Economics (FTE) – each week.
This week’s lesson is “The Great Depression – A Family’s Choices.” In this simulation, students play the role of families in a small town trying to deal with the changes in income they experience a a result of the Great Depression. In groups of five students per family, they will discuss the adjustments their family had to make due to changes in income. During a class discussion, each group will share what it believes to be both the immediate and far-reaching effects of its personal decisions about income and consumption. After the activity, students will analyze the impact of the Great Depression and the Dust Bowl on industry workers, the American family and racial minorities.
TFAS offers a plethora of online lesson plans, readings, handouts, video demonstrations, and hands-on activity guides to teach the “economic way of thinking” in engaging and relatable ways. Visit TFAS.org/FTELessons for a one-stop guide to our available resources.
Post of the Week
This week TFAS celebrated Bill of Rights Day, which recognizes the ratification of the first ten amendments to the U.S. Constitution on Dec. 15, 1791. Each year, TFAS students receive a welcome packet along with a pocket-sized U.S. Constitution and Declaration of Independence.
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TFAS President Roger Ream ’76 joined the Dan Proft Show with alumnus Dan Proft ’93 to share the importance of teaching constitutional principles at all levels of education, and how TFAS fills this role.
Tune in next Tuesday evening for Dan’s next segment with TFAS.
TFAS Director of International and Continuing Education Programs Brenda Hafera writes about the 1619 Project in a piece for RealClearPublicAffairs.
Alessandra Bocchi, Rago ’20, is featured by her alma mater the King’s College London for her selection as the 2020 Joseph Rago Memorial Fellow.
Naomi Schaefer Riley, Novak ’01, discusses how using data technology could improve the New York City foster care system in a piece for City Journal.
Laura Vanderkam ’99, Novak ’06, reflects on the past year in an episode of her “Best of Both Worlds” podcast.
Madison LeBlanc ’17 is now working as a legislative assistant in the Office of Congressman Clay Higgins.
Nêmora Schuh ’20 is the recipient of the 2020 Students for Liberty Smith Student of the Year Award.
Erin Cinney ’16, PPF ’18, is now a public relations coordinator for the Wounded Warrior Project.
Laura Vanderkam ’99, Novak ’06, shares the key to changing habits in a piece for Forge.
Kristin Tate, Novak ’19, opines for The Hill on how 2020 could end the boom of cities in America.
Charles McElwee, Novak ’20, analyzes the criticism of the film “Hillbilly Elegy” in a piece for City Journal.
Trustee Lindsay Craig writes for National Review on remarks from James Buckley on the preservation of the American Experiment.
Tony Russell ’08 has contributed to a documentary series focused on the rollout of the CARES Act to Native American tribes in Oklahoma for KJRH-TV.
John Lettieri ’03, PPF ’08, discusses how noncompete reform can benefit workers and improve economic dynamism in a piece for the American Enterprise Institute.
Leah Trotman ’18 has been selected as a 2021 Marshall Scholar.
Sihyun Choi ’07 is profiled in ARLNow for his work as Stand Together Foundation’s Ventures Lab Managing Director.
Jordan Rodell ’18 is now a legislative associate with Stateside Associates.
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