Will Hagen joined The Fund for American Studies in April 2018 and works with supporters across the western United States. Before joining TFAS, Will was the grassroots advocacy manager for the Northwest Credit Union Association, where he did PAC fundraising and worked with credit union employees to help engage them in the political process on behalf of the Credit Union Movement.
Will has been passionate about free-market principles for as long as he can remember. He was president of the University of Washington’s chapter of the College Republicans and has worked on several political campaigns, both local and statewide. After college, he spent four years in Washington, D.C., working on the Hill and in government affairs. He comes to TFAS with a passion for educating and engaging young people on the benefits of a free society because the change we need starts with the young adults TFAS teaches.
In his spare time, Will loves traveling, a good long road trip, a round of golf, and spending time on the water.
Will graduated from the University of Washington with a degree in political science. He and his wife Chivaun live in the Seattle area.