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A global network of alumni leaders making the difference for freedom

The TFAS Journey equips young people and working professionals with the tools they need to protect and promote liberty. Today, there are more than 46,000 TFAS and FTE alumni making the difference in their communities and throughout the world by upholding the values essential to the preservation and success of a free society.

Teaching Liberty and Leadership to Rising Generations

Take a look below to see how we are making an impact!

Active alumni on 6 continents, representing more than 140 countries

46,000 Combined Reach

FTE-trained teachers reach more than 200,000 students annually

An additional 10,000 young people are reached each year through educational videos and lectures

Increased Support for Capitalism

64% of TFAS Students strongly agreed that capitalism is the best way to ensure human well-being and individual empowerment, compared to just 20% at the start of the program.

Decreased Support for Government Interventionism

60% of students said governments are incapable of understanding when markets fail and how to effectively fix them. That's a 15% increase over the start of the program.

Better Appreciation for Free Speech, and the Marketplace of Ideas

96% better understand 1st amendment rights, 87% more open toward ideas they disagreed with

Creating Campus Ambassadors for Liberty

80% applied what they learned in discussion with peers at their home universities

"It’s no exaggeration to say I’m doing what I’m doing now directly because of the opportunities presented to me by The Fund for American Studies."

"Everything we’ve been learning in the classes, through our speakers and at our internships is about how to restore the principles of the founding which are in line with a free-market, capitalistic system. It’s been one of the better experiences I’ve ever had."