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Teaching Freedom


With free eBooks, webinars, and soon-to-come online courses, The Fund for American Studies is giving you the knowledge you need, all in one place.

Experience this new online library which will equip you with information to help you become an even more courageous champion of liberty and free enterprise, just as our students do through our programs.

Check Out Our Resources


The Religion of Identity Politics

What’s the biggest threat facing America and our founding principles: The new Marxism? Socialism? Critical Race Theory? No, says renowned conservative political theorist Dr. Joshua Mitchell. All of these threats are merely symptoms of a far deeper danger which is capable of consuming our government, workplaces, and way of life.

Capitalism, Socialism, and the Arguments for Liberty

The threat of socialism is real. If you’re concerned about what’s happening right now in Washington D.C.—and what could happen in the future—this is the eBook for you.

Keynes, Keynesianism, and the Welfare State

The welfare state has been on the rise for quite some time, and it’s having a significant impact on our nation today. Now, we’re stuck in a vicious circle where politicians attempt to outbid one another for votes with promises of expanded welfare. But how did we get here? And what are the implications for us now—and in the future? In his eBook Keynes, Keynesianism, and the Welfare State, Dr. Samuel Gregg takes an in-depth look at one of the movement’s central figures—John Maynard Keynes—and his economic theory

Lessons from Sweden

When you get your free copy of “Lessons from Sweden,” you'll learn what Bernie, Ocasio-Cortez and millions of other socialism-hungry young Americans don't want you to know about Sweden's failed experiment and the lessons to be learned.

Lessons from Venezuela, Volume 1

You can read Jorge Galicia’s very personal, riveting account of the nightmare of Venezuela today ... and how the horror began. You will quickly understand the drama, tragedy, and causes of Venezuela’s story. It is a clear warning for Americans being peddled the same deceptive promises that lured a once-prosperous nation into poverty and tyranny.

Lessons from Venezuela, Volume 2

Andrés Guilarte explains how the nightmare of Venezuela started with what seemed like a dream. Booming oil money. Government taking control from private companies. Giving away money for free college, free healthcare, and abundant welfare programs for all.

Looking for Inflation in All the Wrong Places

Right now, inflation is out of control, and the excuses keep rolling in … First, inflation was just a temporary problem. Then, COVID and supply chain issues were to blame. And now we’re told it’s a global problem created by Russian President Vladimir Putin.   But U.S. inflation isn’t a global issue—it’s an American issue. And if we’re ever going to solve this problem, we must stop seeking excuses and address the root cause. That’s why The Fund for American Studies has published a popular lecture on this subject from world-renowned economist Dr. Steve Hanke.

Marx and the False Communist Promise

Many on the left try to wrap their policies in different names (like “democratic socialism”) — it’s ultimately just socialism. But how are so many people—especially young people—so seduced by the false promises made by Karl Marx? And most importantly—Why is socialism so dangerous to the freedom and liberty promised to us by the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution? These are the primary questions we aim to answer in our latest Teaching Freedom eBook titled, "Marx and the False Communist Promise."

Spending My Money or Your Money: How the Incentives Change

The government is getting bigger. And it’s taking more of your money only to waste it on things that don’t benefit you.

The Legitimate Role of Government in a Free Society

What exactly was the vision of our Founders for the role of government in a free society? And how does the new administration’s agenda for our country compare? To truly understand this, we need to fully examine what the role of government in a free society was pictured to be.

The Religion of Identity Politics

What’s the biggest threat facing America and our founding principles: The new Marxism? Socialism? Critical Race Theory? No, says renowned conservative political theorist Dr. Joshua Mitchell. All of these threats are merely symptoms of a far deeper danger which is capable of consuming our government, workplaces, and way of life.

What is Democratic Socialism?

Are countries like Denmark and Sweden positive models of this type of economy? How would the COVID-19 pandemic have looked under such an economic system? What components are missing from the average American mindset for a full understanding of the best way for markets to function?

Why Millennials Should Embrace Capitalism, Not Socialism

If you’ve ever had a conversation with a young millennial who believes or wants socialism for America, you’ve likely seen them cite the allure of its seductive promises. You’ve probably heard them talk about the Nordic countries of Denmark, Sweden or Norway where socialism “is working.”