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Lessons from Sweden – Control


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If you have a moment, I’d like to tell you the real reason we are giving this book away for free—and why we’re trying to get it into the hands of as many people as possible right now.

You wouldn’t think that Americans need to be told about the reality of socialism just 30 years after the collapse of the Soviet Empire—but to be frank, we have failed to pass these lessons on to rising generations. That’s why we need to teach as many people as possible about the reality of socialism—and we must work fast.

The first step is to present people—especially young people—with the truth about socialism. Then, we have the opportunity to expand their understanding of limited government, free-market economics and honorable leadership in America and around the world.

Our goal is to win over each new generation to the ideas of liberty, limited government and free markets. But we can’t do that without the support of donors like you.

Would you consider supporting this educational effort today with a tax-deductible gift? If you say yes, here’s what you’ll be able to do:

  • You’ll help distribute this impactful eBook, “Lessons from Sweden.” For every $50 you can give, we can present this eBook to more than 1,000 people.
  • You’ll help expand our highly effective high school programs to reach more high school students and teachers every year with programs that teach core economic principles and leadership skills.
  • You’ll help create a scholarship endowment to ensure that we never have to turn away deserving students interested in attending our programs.
  • You’ll help double the number of high-school teachers who participate in our training programs from 850 to 1,700. These teachers will impart key concepts of free-market economics and share our unique curriculum of “the economic way of thinking” to over 600,000 young people over the next three years.

Your gift can make all of this happen!

Your generous tax-deductible gift today of whatever your means allow will enhance the ongoing work of The Fund for American Studies: reaching young people and teaching them about the ideas of liberty, free-market economics and honorable leadership for generations to come.

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