Each year, TFAS alumni and friends play a key role in our programs by offering professional advice as mentors, serving as intern sponsors, setting up briefings and site visits, meeting with students and volunteering as guest speakers. Volunteers are truly integral to the success of our programs in D.C., Asia, Europe and South America.
Volunteering with TFAS is a rewarding way to give back and to plug in again with TFAS. You never know what you might say to a student that really starts them thinking in a new way about their vocational aspirations or academic paths.” – Mark Schoeff ’89
If you would like to contribute your skills and time to TFAS, please see the opportunities below, or contact Michelle Le, vice president of Alumni Program, at alumni@TFAS.org.
Ways to Volunteer with US Programs
TFAS Alumni Ambassadors
Sign up as an Ambassador and help us secure our next class of incoming students. Ambassadors reach out to accepted U.S. Programs applicants by phone or email in order to answer questions and encourage enrollment. The word of an alumnus is powerful! We need your help in making sure that the best and brightest students choose to come to TFAS. Service is needed in December, January and February of each year. If you’d like to be an Alumni Ambassador, please email alumni@TFAS.org.
Mentor A Student
You can help a college student have the ULTIMATE D.C. EXPERIENCE! TFAS seeks working professionals in the Washington, D.C. area to volunteer as mentors to college students attending our D.C. Summer Programs. Mentors are matched with students based on several common factors including professional field, hometown, alma mater and political ideology. More than 200 professionals serve as mentors to TFAS students each year. For more information, please email mentor@TFAS.org or visit our mentor information page.
Host An Intern
Is your office looking for an energetic and dedicated intern? Are you located in a metro-accessible location in the Washington, D.C. area? Please consider hosting a TFAS intern this summer, spring or fall! We begin placing summer students in late winter. A limited number of interns are also available in the fall or spring. If you are interested in hosting an intern, email U.S. programs staff at internships@TFAS.org.
Participate in an Alumni Roundtable Discussion
Students need to know one thing about their future: how to get a job. You can give them advice about your own job search and insight from the professional world in D.C. During the dinner, you can also reminisce about fun TFAS memories and meet other alumni. To sign up, contact U.S. Programs Director Joe Starrs at jstarrs@TFAS.org.
Speak to TFAS Students About Your Area of Expertise
Look how far you’ve come! You’re a working professional with plenty of insight into your professional field. Students have a variety of interests and can benefit from knowing more about your journey. To sign up, contact U.S. Programs Director Joe Starrs at jstarrs@TFAS.org.
Be a Small Group Host
Tell TFAS students about day-to-day life at your workplace. Students can come to your office and see what your work environment is like. To sign up, contact U.S. Programs Director Joe Starrs at jstarrs@TFAS.org.
Ways to Volunteer with International Programs
Speak at an Alumni Panel
TFAS International Programs always host panels of alumni who can speak about their careers and give insight to current students. It’s especially helpful for international alumni to talk about how they leveraged their TFAS experience in certain regions or across cultures to become successful. In addition, you can suggest speakers and topics for TFAS panels. Contact alumni@TFAS.org for more information.
Meet with TFAS Students from Your Home Country
Remember how TFAS seemed so far away and you wondered what it would really be like? You can meet with students in your area who are going to TFAS programs and help them prepare. To find out more about other perspective TFAS students from your home country, contact alumni@TFAS.org.