Home » Donate to Support The Fund For American Studies April 2023 SMS

Donate to Support The Fund For American Studies April 2023 SMS


With the summer just around the corner, The Fund for American Studies is getting ready for its busy season.

As you know, TFAS runs a number of programs targeted at college, high school students and high school teachers. And the best time for these students and teachers to take advantage of our programs during the summer when school is OUT of session.

That’s why the summer is such a critical time for us to train students and high school teachers in civics, free-market economics, and leadership.

Our summer programs will achieve a LOT:

  • Our TFAS-trained teachers reach roughly 200,000 students EVERY SINGLE YEAR!
  • Our international programs train students from places like Ukraine, Hong Kong, and Taiwan.
  • And our busiest programs introduce college students from all over the country to topics American universities won’t teach:
    • the importance of capitalism
    • that our Founding Fathers were not evil
    • the importance of limited government
    • and a philosophy of personal liberty!

And, if that is not enough, our programs have an amazing success rate. Despite the fact that, nationally, more young people than ever support socialism, 90% of the students coming out of our programs become ambassadors for free-market values (some even become Members of Congress).

But defending the values that made America the greatest nation in the history of the world is not cheap.

That’s why we’ve launched our Kickstart the Summer campaign with a goal of $10,262 by the end of April. This money will give us the resources we need to train students (and high school teachers) across the country.

Please help us hit our fundraising goal by donating ANY amount right now!

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