This December, 49 Capital Semester students from 28 schools and 10 countries said farewell to Washington, D.C. and joined the ranks of TFAS alumni.
“It takes a certain type of person to choose to participate in this program, and my time here through The Fund for American Studies has really shown me that,” said Capital Semester student Mohammad Sagha, a political science major at DePaul University. “I was constantly impressed at the level of engagement from my peers and their intellectual curiosity at the world around them.”
During their time with TFAS, Sagha and his classmates were constantly on the move, living, learning and interning in the nation’s capital. The group attended site briefings at the U.S. Department of State, World Bank, Federal Reserve and the International Monetary Fund. They also toured the U.S. Capitol, Library of Congress and Pentagon as well as a variety of news headquarters.
The students interned 25 hours per week at government agencies, think tanks, public policy groups, congressional offices, law firms, nonprofits, trade associations, corporate government affairs offices and media outlets.
“I was constantly kept on my toes,” said Capital Semester student Steven DeFalco, a political science major at Flagler University who interned with Sen. Bill Nelson (Fla.). “Whether I was opening mail for my senator, or I was researching the impact of chemical dispersants in the Gulf of Mexico, my internship gave me direction and insight, which I will certainly utilize upon graduation.”
Apart from their internships, the students also received 12 credit hours for their coursework studying the Constitution, economics and public policy, and they participated in internship seminars focusing on either public policy or political journalism.
Leading Washington experts spoke to the class on current hot topics, including Economist Michael Cox, formerly of the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, who spoke about living standards in the United States. CLICK HERE to view his speech.
Former Rep. Thomas Davis (Va.) delivered commencement remarks on December 10, 2010 at the Capitol Building Visitor Center.
TFAS now welcomes its incoming spring class. The program is scheduled to begin on January 12. The group of 33 students hail from six countries and five continents.