We hope you enjoy these news stories about TFAS activities, alumni and events this week. Sign up to receive TFAS updates, and visit us on social media for additional up-to-the-moment TFAS news!
TFAS Students Reflect on Life-Changing Summer in the Nation’s Capital
The Fund for American Studies (TFAS) hosted more than 200 students from around the world during the 2022 TFAS D.C. Summer Program. As a class, more than 1200 credits were earned, students interned at more than 185 internship sites and students attended more than 160 guest lectures.
Five TFAS students represented their program tracks to share testimony and reflect on their eight-week life-changing summer of living, learning, interning and connecting in the nation’s capital.
Dr. Anne Bradley, the George and Sally Mayer Fellow and Vice President of Academic Affairs at TFAS encouraged students to fight for economic, human and political freedom in her farewell to this year’s class. Keynote speaker Peter Feldman ’04,’07, a Commissioner for the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission closed out the commencement by sharing how TFAS impacted his life. He often referred to Alexis de Tocqueville whom he learned about while participating in TFAS.
Learn more about the D.C. Summer Program and watch the Closing Ceremony at TFAS.org/DCRecap22.
Dr. Samuel Gregg Discusses Free Markets with TFAS Students
This summer, The Fund for American Studies (TFAS) hosted the annual Neal B. Freeman Lecture with honored guest Dr. Samuel Gregg on the topic of America as a commercial republic. It is because of Neal Freeman’s generosity and support that allows TFAS to host distinguished speakers who discuss freedom, ethics and the fundamental concepts of a free society.
Dr. Gregg comes from a diverse background as a fellow in political economy at the American Institute for Economic Research (AIER), a visiting scholar at the Heritage Foundation, an affiliate scholar at the Acton Institute, a fellow of the Royal Historical Society, a member of the Royal Economic Society, and a contributing editor at Law and Liberty.
During his lecture he analyzed the importance of understanding key principles of America as a republic through an explanation of the Federalist Papers. He then encouraged students to use these documents to determine the economic fate of our nation
Read more and watch the full lecture at TFAS.org/Gregg.
Liberty + Leadership Podcast
Will Weatherford ’02
Will Weatherford is a graduate of the 2002 TFAS Public Policy + Economics program. He is the former Speaker of the Florida House of Representatives and current managing partner of Weatherford Capital.
In last week’s episode, Roger and Will discuss his meteoric rise to becoming the youngest presiding officer of any state legislative chamber in the United States, the ever-changing relationship between government and business, and leading Tampa Bay’s efforts in its winning bid to host the Super Bowl.
Paul Glader ’99, ’00
Paul Glader is a full professor, program chair of the Journalism, Culture and Society program at The King’s College, executive director of The Media Project, executive editor of ReligionUnplugged.com and co-founder of Vett Inc.
In this week’s episode, Roger and Paul discuss his early days as a cub reporter, his 10-year run at The Wall Street Journal, and the importance of covering the roll of religion in public life.
Video of the Week
Watch the highlights from the 2022 TFAS Academic Internship Programs in Washington, D.C.
Rep. David Rouzer ’93, ’94 received Clean Power Champion Award from the American Clean Power Association.
Brent Skorup Law ’10, PPF ’13 led the drone state scorecard at The Mercatus Center which ranks how drone-friendly each state is.
Sarah Sicard ’13 writes article for AirForceTimes on how much land the military really owns.
Nicole Hallett ’01 authored the forthcoming book, “Becoming a Public Interest Lawyer.” The work is meant to serve as a “comprehensive guide for prospective, current, and recently-graduated law students who want a career in public interest law.”
Adrian Lam ’12 started a new position as an assistant professor of finance at the University of Amsterdam-Amsterdam Business School.
Rawa Fakhoury ’01 started a new position as the deputy head of mission for the Embassy of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan in Bahrain.
Haley Britzky ’16 writes an article for Task and Purpose about an airman who helped gather 1,500 pounds of food and supplies for Ukraine.
Jack Butler, Novak ’22 was featured in his former high school’s monthly newsletter.
Angela McCallum ’19 started a new position as director of campaigns at First Tuesday Strategies.
TFAS Professor Ibrahim Al-Marashi ’01 writes an article for Aljazeera about the killing of Ayman al-Zawahiri.
LeeAnna Pachter ’14, PPF ’15 started a new position as the director of human resources for the Business Roundtable.
Recent TFAS alumna Mariam Geguchadze ’22 was interviewed about Georgia’s dream of joining the European Union and concerns with Russian aggression.
Faith Bottum ’21 shared her experience with the Hard Rock about being an engineer on Wall Street.
Recent TFAS alumna Ashira Biswas ’22 was featured in HebdenBridge News about her summer in D.C. with TFAS.
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