Alumni returned to their TFAS roots during the 2015 Alumni Weekend on June 26 -27. The annual event brought more than 75 alumni to Washington, D.C. to relive their TFAS experience and reconnect with fellow alumni. Highlights of the weekend included a rooftop reception and alumni awards presentation, the annual student and alumni BBQ and an alumni party-bus bar crawl.
The weekend kicked off with hor d’oeuvres, wine, brews and outstanding views atop the National Association of Realtors building in downtown D.C. A panoramic outlook of the District from Union Station to the Washington Monument was the perfect backdrop to start the festivities. Alumni arrived early for a business card exchange and networking session to connect and reconnect with other TFAS alumni before the alumni awards presentation and reception.
TFAS alumna Brittany Hackett (IPJ 07) enjoyed the weekend and especially the alumni reception. “Alumni Weekend was such a great experience. It was an amazing opportunity to reconnect with TFASers from my year, IPJ 07, and network with new faces. My favorite part was the alumni awards reception; such a great location and fun atmosphere,” said Hackett.
This year, TFAS awarded three outstanding alumni for their accomplishments and dedication to the mission of TFAS. The 2015 TFAS alumni award winners were chosen by the alumni awards committee of the TFAS Alumni Council, based on nominations from TFAS alumni, friends, staff and supporters. The winners included: Andrew Christianson (IBGA 04, AIPE 05) – Young Alumnus Award, Mark Schoeff Jr. (IPJ 89) – Kevin Burket Alumni Service Award and Caroline Decker (IBGA 92) – Alumni Achievement Award.
To read more about our award winners, please click here.
A little rain on Saturday could not damper the Alumni Weekend festivities as staff, students and alumni moved the celebration to TFAS Headquarters for an indoor TFAS BBQ. Red, Hot & Blue catered the event where more than 300 TFAS friends spent the day playing cornhole, bidding in a raffle for charity, dancing and eating classic BBQ food.
Each year, the TFAS BBQ also serves as a fundraiser, helping IPVS students raise money for a local charity as part of their class project. At the end of the summer, the students select a local charity to receive a grant for the money they raise throughout their TFAS experience. IPVS manager and TFAS alumna Jesse Schaefer (IPVS 10) was excited about the result of the fundraisers. “Despite the weather, our committees were able to execute both the raffle and cornhole tournament fundraisers to raise over $500 toward the IPVS Class Grant,” said Schaefer. “A special thanks to those TFAS alumni who braved the storm to lend their support as eager participants, generous contributors and fervent cheerleaders.”
After the BBQ, alumni hopped aboard a chartered bus for the TFAS Alumni Bar Crawl. Stocked with TFAS alumni koozies, the party bus made its way to three bars, starting on U Street and ending in Georgetown.
Thanks to all who attended the weekend festivities. To view pictures from TFAS Alumni Weekend 2015, please visit