Longtime TFAS friend and Legacy Society member Edie Seymour is originally from Chicago, but she has called the San Francisco Bay Area home for many years. She and her late husband, Charles “Chuck” Seymour, Jr., traveled extensively and enjoyed their strong relationship with TFAS, which Edie continues to this day. In her free time, Edie enjoys participating in activities with her church, learning new things and meeting new people.
The Seymours have been Legacy Society members since 2009. We recently caught up with Edie so she could share why TFAS programs are important to her.
It is a good feeling that by funding TFAS, we are being true patriots to the greatest country in the world.” – Edie Seymour
What is the biggest threat to America today, and how is TFAS combating this?
Edie: The wholesale takeover of the media by one political party. The potential TFAS has for educating students in honest and impartial news casting is enormous. It is all about individual freedom. And this is where correct newscasting comes in. It is crucial to combat the sly thought which desires to dismantle our way of governance and replace it with dictates that obliterate individual freedoms.
Why did you first decide to start investing in TFAS?
Edie: TFAS fills the bill. While our educational system is brainwashing kids about race, politics, religion, sex, our nation’s history, and everything else, TFAS is attracting alert and brilliant minds who desire to expand their outlook and learn from great leaders in education, business, government, and the media. A mentor is priceless, and the faculty is just that.
Why do you think TFAS’S mission is important?
Edie: Because the public gets its news from “the fake news,” my desire is to see TFAS counter this fact and to counter the falsities taught in the schools.
Why did you join the TFAS Legacy Society?
Edie: The Legacy Society helps us to relegate funds to meet these threats to the country’s present and future prosperity. It is a good feeling that by funding TFAS, we are being true patriots to the greatest country in the world.
Thank you to members of the TFAS Legacy Society for ensuring that future generations of students learn about our heritage and the economic concepts that enable prosperity! To learn how you can make a lasting impact by including TFAS in your will or estate plan, visit TFAS.org/Legacy or contact Vice President of Development Ed Turner at 202.986.0384 or eturner@TFAS.org.