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TFAS Supporter Spotlight: A Q&A With Nancy Einhorn


We recently spoke with TFAS supporter Nancy Einhorn, who believes TFAS programs have the best recipe for reaching the next generation of responsible leaders. That’s why she’s generously set up an automatic transfer of her monthly Social Security check to go directly to TFAS.

TFAS is dedicated to teaching young people the ideas of limited government, liberty and free market economics. These are critically important concepts that are disappearing from the curriculum in many of our colleges, universities and high schools.” – Nancy Einhorn

How did you become connected with TFAS?

Nancy: It all began in 2004 when I received a fundraising letter signed by Fred Barnes. The project he was promoting was TFAS’s Journalism and Communications program for undergraduate students. I had been an admirer of Mr. Barnes because I watched his TV program, “The Beltway Boys,” every week and enjoyed what he had to share with the listeners and his analysis of the news. In reading the letter it was clear to me that this would be an important effort to support so I sent a check, and I became gradually more and more involved in reading about what TFAS was doing.

What are your biggest concerns with America today?

Nancy greets Sen. Mike Lee before a Capitol Hill Lecture.

Nancy: Having come of age before the cultural changes that began in earnest in the late 1960s, I see a long list of problems that concern me. Most critical among them are: 1. The destruction of the nuclear family as the centerpiece of our culture. 2. The loss of faith and religious observance. 3. The acceptance of big, centralized government at the national and state levels that are successfully controlling and interfering with the lives of individual citizens in countless ways. 4. The irresponsible and dangerous $26 trillion (and counting) accumulated national debt. 5. And on and on and on.

Why do you think TFAS programs are important for young people?

Nancy: TFAS is dedicated to teaching young people the ideas of limited government, liberty and free market economics. These are critically important concepts that are disappearing from the curriculum in many of our colleges, universities and high schools. This is a bigger problem today than it was 50 years ago when TFAS was first founded. Without an understanding of these concepts and their importance, the future leaders of our country will be unable to prevent the implementation of policies and laws that work against the founding ideas we treasure. I am also very happy to see that these students are involved in internships during their time in the program. I believe that this is critical for learning and observing how government, business, and news media are run.

Steve and Nancy Einhorn and TFAS student Josh Voogd ‘19, ‘20 at a 2019
Capitol Hill Lecture.

Tell us about your academic and professional journey.

Nancy: I had a remarkably good education. I have since spent my life supporting my family at home, volunteering and running our family foundation.

Which TFAS program interests you the most and why?

Nancy: While virtually every aspect of what I have seen relating to programs is excellent, the program my husband Steve and I have chosen to focus on is the Summer Capitol Hill Lecture Series. Co-hosted by The Office of Sen. Rand Paul, this series provides the summer participants an opportunity to hear experts, newsmakers and successful adults share their ideas and experiences. We also very much enjoy coming to Washington, D.C., to attend speeches and meet some of the students that have learned so much from the TFAS program. They will benefit from the program and share with others the values and knowledge they have gained.

While virtually every aspect of what I have seen relating to programs is excellent, the program my husband Steve and I have chosen to focus on is the Summer Capitol Hill Lecture Series. Co-hosted by The Office of Sen. Rand Paul, this series provides the summer participants an opportunity to hear experts, newsmakers and successful adults share their ideas and experiences.” – Nancy Einhorn

What advice or lessons do you want TFAS students to know?

Nancy: They should know that liberty, small government and free markets are vitally important in keeping our country free and prosperous. And they should know that character and personal responsibility are the tools that make significant contributions to their realization of success as individuals and as citizens of our country.

Is there someone who has influenced you in some way who you’ve met through TFAS?

Nancy: I have learned so much from Roger Ream about faithful devotion to a project that is important, well-run, effective in achieving its goals, and always having enough challenges to pursue.

Why do you think it’s important for people to support TFAS students and programs?

Steve and Nancy Einhorn, Whole Foods CEO John Mackey and
Sen. Rand Paul before Mackey’s lecture in 2019. The Einhorns have generously sponsored the Capitol Hill Lecture Series since 2012.

Nancy: TFAS needs donor support because the programs it offers are important for the future of our country. They are not being offered in our educational institutions, and they are expensive to undertake.

Is there anything else you’d like to share about your experience with TFAS over the years?

Nancy: I believe that TFAS has made, is making, and will continue to make a significant difference in how all of its participants look at the importance of maintaining their freedoms and liberty, expanding their happiness and guiding them toward the realization of worthy goals.


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