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WATCH: Courageous Leaders: Challenging the Status Quo – 2024 Capitol Hill Lecture Series Videos


For the 12th year, The Fund for American Studies (TFAS) and the Office of Senator Rand Paul are pleased to co-host the Capitol Hill Lecture Series, an inspiring series of talks featuring courageous thought leaders who challenge the status quo to uncover the truth behind complex issues.

Sponsored by the Einhorn Family Foundation, this series attracts 1,500 young leaders each year and puts young people face-to-face with prominent leaders advancing the cause for freedom.

Alex Berenson Big Tech, Big Censorship, and the Threats to the 1st Amendment”

Vivek Ramaswamy – “Who Are We?”

Sen. Rand Paul – “Covid Origins”

Featured Guests: Steven Quay, MD, PhD, CEO of Atossa Therapeutics and Dr. Richard H. Ebright, Board of Governors professor of chemistry and chemical biology at Rutgers University

The final Capitol Hill Lecture of 2024 features Prof. Jonathan Turley who will speak on the topic “Free Speech in an Age of Rage” on July 10.


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WATCH: Courageous Leaders: Challenging the Status Quo – 2024 Capitol Hill Lecture Series Videos

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