March 15, 2023
Chris Coyne on The Political Economy of Peace
Chris Coyne is the F.A. Harper Professor of Economics at the Mercatus Center at George Mason University and he serves as the North American editor of “The Review of Austrian Economics.” In addition to teaching Economic Problems and Public Policies for TFAS’s Washington, D.C. Programs, Chris has authored numerous books. Most recently, he wrote “In Search of Monsters to Destroy: The Folly of American Empire and the Paths to Peace,” which offers alternative approaches to imperialism, militarism, and empire. He earned a bachelor’s degree from Manhattan College and both a masters and Ph.D. in economics from George Mason University. In 2008, he was named the Hayek Fellow at the London School of Economics.
In this week’s Liberty + Leadership Podcast, Roger and Chris discuss his approach to teaching “Mason Economics,” how certain kinds of large scale economic planning can lead to devastating results, September 11th’s impact on inspiring him to apply the “economic way of thinking” to the war on terror and nation building, and how trade is not a zero-sum game.