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Real-Life Applications to Navigating Economic Theory with Peter Boettke


How can economics empower individuals? This week, Roger Ream is joined by Peter Boettke, Professor of Economics and Philosophy at George Mason University and former professor for TFAS Prague, to unravel the impact of teaching economics beyond mere equations. To illustrate economic theory’s relevance and its potential to shape a brighter future, Boettke covers a broad range of subjects including the significance of the Austrian economics tradition, the economic transformation of Estonia and the dangers of socialist policies. Peter also shares how his own career shaped his belief that economics can serve as a tool for the curious and a discipline for the compassionate.

Peter Boettke is the author of several books, including “F. A. Hayek: Economics, Political Economy and Social Philosophy” and “Living Economics: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow.” Peter is also the co-editor of the economics textbook originally by Paul Heyne, “The Economic Way of Thinking.” Recently, he authored a substantial portion of the Fraser Institute series called “The Realities of Socialism.” TFAS’s high school division, the Foundation for Teaching Economics (FTE), is turning that series into curriculum for high schools in the U.S. and Canada. Peter serves as editor of The Review of Austrian Economics and the associate editor of The Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization. He is the recipient of multiple academic awards including the Golden Dozen Award for Excellence in Teaching.