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Christopher Coyne

Professor, Economic Problems and Public Policies


Dr. Christopher Coyne teaches Economic Problems and Public Policies for the TFAS U.S. Programs in Washington, D.C.

Coyne is an associate professor of economics and the F.A. Harper Professor of Economics at the Mercatus Center at George Mason University. He is also the North American editor of “The Review of Austrian Economics.” In 2008, he was named the Hayek Fellow at the London School of Economics and in 2010 he was a visiting scholar at the Social Philosophy & Policy Center at Bowling Green State University.

In 2016, Coyne was recognized by George Mason University as the recipient of the University Teaching Excellence Award. The Teaching Excellence Awards are acknowledgements of the significant work that faculty members devote to course planning and preparation; curriculum development; and innovative teaching, advising, and undergraduate and graduate mentoring. Colleagues and associates of Professor Coyne nominated him for this award in recognition of his outstanding contributions to teaching economics at the undergraduate and graduate levels, as well as the mentoring he has provided many students.

Coyne is the author of “After War: The Political Economy of Exporting Democracy” (Stanford University Press, 2007), co-author, with Peter Leeson, of “Media, Development and Institutional Change” (Edward Elgar Publishing, 2009) and the editor, with Rachel Mathers, of “The Handbook on the Political Economy of War” (Edward Elgar Publishing, 2011).