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While we have your attention, we want to tell you a little bit more about The Fund for American Studies (TFAS)!

We believe in the American principle of freedom of speech. But surveys show more and more young people believe that YOUR speech should be regulated…

That’s why we are working to train young journalists. And it’s why we launched a new program that empowers young journalists with the resources and training they need to launch conservative and libertarian newspapers on college campuses. 

Recent polling shows that 41% of college students support regulating free speech in America. But after graduating from a TFAS more than 96% of TFAS students believe in freedom of speech. 

If we’re going to save this country, we need to get more young people and journalists into TFAS programs. 

But we can’t do that without the support of donors like you.

Would you consider supporting this effort today with a tax-deductible gift? On top of investing in our historically effective journalism programs, you will also: 

  • You’ll help distribute this impactful eBook, The Twitter Files, to hundreds of thousands of Americans. For every $25 you give, we can present this eBook to more than 1,000 people.
  • You’ll help expand our highly effective high school programs to reach more high school students and teachers every year with programs that teach core economic principles and leadership skills.
  • You’ll help us fund MORE conservative and libertarian student newspapers on college campuses across the country;.
  • You’ll help double the number of high school teachers who participate in our training programs annually from 1,000 to 2,000. These teachers will impart key concepts of free-market economics and share our unique curriculum of “the economic way of thinking” to over 600,000 young people over the next three years.

Your gift can help make all of this happen!

When you give, you support the ongoing work of The Fund for American Studies: reaching young people with the values of liberty, free speech, and honorable leadership for generations to come.

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