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Sen. Rand Paul and Sen. Mike Lee Discuss Freedom and Individual Liberty

Sen. Rand Paul and Sen. Mike Lee


Sen. Rand Paul is joined by Sen. Mike Lee for a discussion on current events, freedom and individual liberty in the first lecture of the 2020 Capitol Hill Lecture Series. This webinar was recorded in July 2020.

The Religion of Identity Politics: How we arrived and where we go from here

Dr. Joshua Mitchell is a longtime TFAS professor in political philosophy and has also been a favorite speaker among donors who have attended our annual conferences. Thoughtful and insightful, he discusses the issue of identity politics, delving into its origins and explaining how we have arrived at the position we are in today. He’ll also help us to understand how we should react to our current era and what can be done to shift the arc of history we are in today.

Disorder in the Court: The Battle over Judicial Nominations and the Politicization of the Supreme Court

Join us for an exclusive opportunity to hear from Ilya Shapiro, director of the Robert A. Levy Center for Constitutional Studies at the Cato Institute, for a discussion on the politicization of the Supreme Court and the battles over nominations and confirmations to the court.

What is Democratic Socialism?

You wouldn’t think that Americans need to be told about the reality of socialism just 30 years after the collapse of the Soviet Empire—but to be frank, we have failed to pass these lessons on to rising generations. That’s why we need to teach as many people as possible about the reality of socialism. In this webinar, Dr. Bradley discusses the lies of “democratic socialism,” and what must be done to prevent America’s young people from being seduced by this lie. She explains why she believes we need to do more to educate younger Americans and shares how TFAS is fighting back against the radical ideologies taking root around the country.