Please join The Fund for American Studies (TFAS) on July 25, 2018* at The Willard Intercontinental Hotel for a special celebration honoring today’s congressional and business leaders and supporting our future leaders – the 2018 TFAS students.
Purchase Tickets and Sponsorships

It is a privilege to honor Sen. Jerry Moran of Kansas and Sen. Michael Bennet of Colorado with the 2018 Congressional Leadership Awards, and Matthew R. Shay, President and CEO of the National Retail Federation, with the 2018 Business Leadership Award.
July 25, 2018
The Williard Intercontinental
Washington, D.C.
6 p.m. Reception • 7 p.m. Dinner
*Please Note: The date of this event has been updated. The event will take place on July 25, 2018.
Sponsorships and Ticket Sales

As a sponsor of our 29th Annual Scholarship Dinner, you will enable deserving, highly qualified students to attend our life-changing programs, regardless of their financial situation. In addition, you and/or your company will be recognized before our 200 attendees. These sponsorships include complimentary registration(s); VIP seating; priority intern selection and brand recognition and visibility.
Click here to register online as a sponsor today! If you prefer to register via PDF form and fax or email, please fill out our commitment form here.
Individual Tickets
Individual tickets are available for as low as $225. Don’t delay! Register now to ensure you are part of this unique event that honors our leaders of today, while supporting the dreams and ambitions of our future leaders.

Your involvement will make a powerful difference in our nation’s future by allowing students with outstanding leadership potential to attend the TFAS Institute on Business and Government Affairs (IBGA). This comprehensive program includes: courses on economics and government relations for transferable credit; guaranteed internships with government affairs offices of notable corporations, trade associations and lobbying firms in the D.C. area; and unparalleled access to networking and professional development opportunities including special guest lectures, site briefings, a mentorship program and more.
85% of our exceptional students would be unable to participate without your generosity. Funds raised by this annual dinner support scholarships for highly qualified, ambitious student leaders to attend our transformational TFAS academic internship programs. Thanks to sponsors and attendees like you, the dinner has raised over $5 million since 1990. Yet the need is growing. Help us say “yes” to more of our impressive applicants in 2019, regardless of their financial ability.
It’s no exaggeration to say I’m doing what I’m doing now directly because of the opportunities presented to me by The Fund for American Studies. For that, I am endlessly grateful.” – Stephen F. Hayes, TFAS Alumnus
Editor-in-Chief of the Weekly Standard
IBGA Board of Visitors Dinner Committee
Honorary Dinner Chair
William J. Hybl, El Pomar Foundation
Kirk Blalock, Fierce Government Relations
Caroline Decker, TFAS Regent & IBGA Alumna
Juanita Duggan, NFIB
Robert Flock, Credit Union National Association
Carla Lochiatto, CAE, ASAE
Dan Meyers, APCO Worldwide
Alex Schriver, Targeted Victory
Tracy D. Taylor, Williams & Jensen
Cornell Teague, Alpine Group
Randal C. Teague, Vorys
Harrison Wadsworth, Siemens
Members At-Large
Charlie Black, Prime Policy Group
Jeff Carneal, Red Dog Strategies
Marlene Colucci, The Business Council
Kelly D. Johnston, Campbell Soup Company
Kathryn Karol, Caterpillar
Larry Lynott, ARG LLC
Ziad Ojakli, Ford Motor Company
Keith Smith, National Association of Manufacturers
Diane Tomb, National Rental Home Council
Brendan Williams, PBF Energy
Hicks Winters, LafargeHolcim USA
Debbie Witchey, Healthcare Leadership Council
Past Congressional and Business Leadership Award Recipients
2017 – The Honorable Rob Portman (R-Ohio), The Honorable Tom Carper (D-Delaware) and Mr. Nick Calio, president and CEO of Airlines for America (A4A)
2016 – The Honorable Cory Gardner (R-Colorado), The Honorable Mark Warner (D-Virginia) and The Honorable Jay Timmons, president and CEO of the National Association of Manufacturers
2015 – The Honorable John Barrasso (R-Wyoming), The Honorable Amy Klobuchar (D-Minnesota) and The Honorable John Engler, president of the Business Roundtable
2014 – The Honorable Richard Burr (R-North Carolina), The Honorable Joe Manchin (D-West Virginia) and Thomas R. Kuhn, president of the Edison Electric Institute
2013 – The Honorable Mark Begich (D-Alaska), The Honorable Fred Upton (R-Michigan) and Jack Gerard, president and CEO of the American Petroleum Institute
2012 – The Honorable Lamar Alexander (R-Tennessee)
2011 – The Honorable Senator Mark Pryor (D-Arkansas)
2010 – The Honorable Richard Lugar (R-Indiana)
2009 – The Honorable Jon Kyl (R-Arizona)
2008 – The Honorable Ken Salazar (D-Colorado)
2007 – The Honorable Saxby Chambliss (R-Georgia)
2006 – The Honorable Max Baucus (D-Montana)
2005 – The Honorable Pat Roberts (R-Kansas)
2004 – The Honorable Daniel K. Inouye (D-Hawaii)
2003 – The Honorable Elizabeth Dole (R-North Carolina)
2002 – The Honorable Ben Nelson (D-Nebraska)
2001 – The Honorable Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-Texas)
2000 – The Honorable Tom Daschle (D-South Dakota)
1999 – The Honorable Phil Gramm (R-Texas)
1998 – The Honorable Joe Lieberman (D-Connecticut)
1997 – The Honorable Trent Lott (R-Mississippi)
1996 – The Honorable Pat Moynihan (D-New York)
1995 – The Honorable Don Nickles (R-Oklahoma)
1994 – The Honorable John Breaux (D-Louisiana)
1993 – The Honorable Malcolm Wallop (R-Wyoming)
1992 – The Honorable Alan Dixon (D-Illinois)
1991 – The Honorable Bob Dole (R-Kansas)
1990 – The Honorable David L. Boren (D-Oklahoma)