Celebrate 50 Years of TFAS in Philadelphia with a happy hour at Maggianos on Nov. 9.
This special event is part of our year-long, global birthday celebration. On Feb. 6, 2017, The Fund for American Studies (TFAS) turned 50 years old thanks to the support and dedication of countless TFAS alumni, donors and friends. Alumni who attend this Philadelphia event will be entered into a drawing to win free registration to the 2018 TFAS Leadership Conference in New Orleans on Sept. 21-22, 2018.
We look forward to celebrating with you in Philly!
Nov. 9, 2017
6:30-8:30 p.m.
1201 Filbert St.
Philadelphia, PA 19107
Please RSVP by Oct. 31 to Brenda Hafera, TFAS Coordinator of Alumni Programs and Continuing Education at bhafera@TFAS.org.