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Liberty + Leadership News: March 5, 2020


We hope you enjoy these top news stories about TFAS activities, alumni and events this week. Please visit us on social media for additional up-to-the-moment TFAS news and information and sign up for our newsletter to receive weekly updates.

See TFAS alumni, staff, faculty and friends who are writing and making today’s headlines by visiting our “Quick Links.”

TFAS 2020 Asia Program to be Held in Singapore

Please visit TFASinternational.org/Asia to learn more about the program and share with your network. The deadline to apply is April 1.

We are excited to announce that TFAS Asia 2020 will be held in Singapore in partnership with National University of Singapore, ranked among the top universities in the world. The three-week academic program will bring together outstanding young leaders from across Asia and the U.S. to explore the fundamental principles of a free society and examine how economic and political freedom are intertwined.

While we are excited about our new partnership and the year ahead, we are deeply saddened to not be able to hold this year’s program in Hong Kong, which has been a stronghold of freedom in Asia and whose people exemplify an unwavering commitment to self-government.

This was a very difficult decision for us to make and in no way an indication that the principles of TFAS are misaligned with the pro-democracy demands made in recent months. We continue to stand with Hong Kong. However, due to the coronavirus and visa concerns, we are taking steps now to avoid canceling the program in its entirety. You can read more about our difficult decision to relocate this year’s program at TFAS.org/TFASAsiaNews.

Spread the Word!

TFAS Asia Students
An interdisciplinary course on “Classical Liberalism and the American Founding” will teach TFAS Asia students about the interconnected relationship between economic and political freedom.

Due to these changes, we have extended the deadline to apply to TFAS Asia 2020 to April 1. The TFAS network of alumni and supporters has always played an essential role in spreading the word about our programs. These changes make it even more important that you help us recruit outstanding young leaders for TFAS Asia 2020. Please use the links below to share program deadlines and information through social media and your personal networks.

Share the TFAS Asia Program website with your network: TFASinternational.org/Asia

Nominate Outstanding Students: TFASinternational.org/Nominate

TFAS Supporter Frayda Levy celebrates TFAS Founders’ Day with Public Policy Fellows Melanie Benit ’14, ’15, PPF ’18, Alexandra Seymour ’18 and Sydney Scribner ’18.

Why Support TFAS? The Differentiating Power of Leadership and Discipline

When TFAS celebrated its 53rd year and the successful completion of a $25 million campaign on Feb. 6, generous supporter Frayda Levy raised a glass to the organization’s success and reflected on why she chooses to support TFAS.

Levy took to the stage during the TFAS Founders’ Day celebration and identified leadership and discipline as two distinguishing factors of why she trusts TFAS to develop new and effective programming. Students leave TFAS, “able to really exemplify the wisdom of liberty that they have learned,” she said.

I want to extend my thanks to Roger [Ream], Steve [Slattery] and the whole TFAS staff for helping more and more students understand how important liberty is to having the life we have here.”– Frayda Levy, TFAS Supporter
Watch and Read Levy’s Reflections on Why She Supports TFAS

Last year, Levy and her husband Ken provided campaign support to establish a new campus outreach project, “Venezuela: My Story … Your Future?” to help college students see the cost of socialist policies on real individuals. The project enlists the help of Venezuelan exiles Andrés Guilarte and Jorge Galicia to visit college campuses and share their eye witness perspectives of how socialist policies led to the complete collapse of their country. Learn more about why Levy trusts TFAS to develop new and effective programming at TFAS.org/WhySupportTFAS.

Video of The Week

Venezuelan asylum seeker and political activist Andrés Guilarte is on a TFAS college campus tour, speaking out about the dangers of government control. He took a break from visiting with university students in North Carolina to speak with the John Lock Foundation and the Carolina Journal. See a video interview courtesy of the CarolinaJournal.com below.

Quick Links

Elizabeth Earwood, PPF ’19, is featured in a University of Alabama at Birmingham news update for being selected as a 2019-2020 TFAS Public Policy Fellow.

Michael Brendan Dougherty, Novak ’09, opines for the National Review on Biden’s victory in South Carolina’s Democratic primary.

Tim Alberta, Novak ’19, uncovers the prevailing sentiment amongst a select group of the politically informed electorate: local Iowa Uber drivers. Read more about his experience in Des Moines in his “Letter to Washington” for Politico.

Jason Willick, Novak ’17, analyzes voter support of former New York City mayor and Democratic presidential primary candidate, Mike Bloomberg, in The Wall Street Journal.

Tom Sileo, Novak ’10, says he and his wife Lisa decided to name their newborn daughter after the World Champion Washington Nationals baseball team after finding out she would be born with Down syndrome. Read more about the inspiring story in The Washington Post.

Christiana Reasor, PPF ’19, is featured in Politico’s newsletter under “Movers and Shakers” for her new role as Senator Jerry Moran’s legislative correspondent on health care, education, labor and pension.

TFAS Director of Journalism Fellowship Daniel McCarthy, is featured in The New York Times to discuss the winners and losers of the Feb. 25 Democratic debate.

Gracy Olmstead, Novak ’15, opines for the American Conservative on farming in the Information Age.

Karol Gornowicz ’13 will be a keynote speaker this month at the European Education Festival in Warsaw. In this interview, he talks about what skills employers are looking for in new graduates.

Stephanie Slade, Novak ’16, discusses a “new nationalism” in the U.S. in this Reason cover story.

New York Times reporter, Jeanna Smialek ’11, discusses how an early retirement trend amongst millennials could reduce the power of the Federal Reserve.

Kristin Tate, Novak ’19, opines for The Hill on how America’s debt crisis can affect the personal finances of U.S. citizens.

BBC reporter Suzanne Kianpour ’09 is featured in an article for Medium highlighting her use of the popular social media platform, TikTok, to share video news updates with followers.

Haley Britzky ’16 has an article in the National Interest on Army recruiters not enforcing fitness requirements.

Naomi Schaefer Riley, Novak ’01, defends “paternalism” in schools when considering the family lives of students.

Nicole Tieman ’09 sat down with former MLB player, F.P. Santangelo, to discuss the 2020 Washington Nationals’ baseball season. Read more about her interview with the sports broadcaster in this piece for the Washington Examiner.

TFAS Senior Scholar Dr. Donald Boudreaux opines for Trib Live on economic confusion between conservatives and progressives.

Amber Phillips ’07 analyzes the winners and losers from the Nevada Democratic caucuses for The Washington Post.

Kat Timpf, Novak ’12, opines for the National Review that occupational licensing laws are levying penalties for “offenses” that present no real risk to anyone.


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