We are currently seeking nominations for members of TFAS’ Alumni Council. The Alumni Council helps to keep the flame of TFAS burning among alumni by working to encourage active participation in the current activities of the TFAS community. The council represents all alumni and serves as their decision-making body.
Members are required to attend at least one meeting per year, either by phone or in person, volunteer their time to TFAS and make an annual financial contribution. The Steering Committee may further define membership requirements as needed. Members are elected for two-year terms and members nominated at this time will serve from fall 2017 to fall 2019.
We need your help to identify outstanding and active TFAS alumni to serve on the council. If you would like to nominate yourself or a TFAS alumnus, please complete this brief survey. We request that you submit your nominations by Friday, Sept. 1.
In addition, we are seeking new Alumni Chapter presidents for the Pittsburgh, Salt Lake City and Chicago chapters. Chapter presidents help engage alumni in their area and serve as points of contact for alumni new to their communities. Please contact Brenda Hafera if you are interested in serving as a chapter president of one of the cities listed above or starting a new chapter in your area!
If you have any questions, please contact Brenda Hafera, coordinator of alumni programs and continuing education, at bhafera@TFAS.org. Thank you in advance for your nominations!