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Teaching Freedom


Teaching Freedom is a series of remarks published by The Fund for American Studies. The speakers featured in each issue delivered their remarks at a TFAS institute or conference or serve as faculty members of an institute. The speakers who participate in the educational programs contribute greatly to the purpose and mission of TFAS programs.The speeches are published in an effort to share the words and lessons of the speakers with friends, alumni, supporters and others who are unable to attend the events.

Please view our latest and past issues of Teaching Freedom by clicking on the links below:

Maintaining Our Republic

By Mitch Daniels
On June 11, Mitch Daniels gave the Neal B. Freeman Lecture to all TFAS students in the Washington, D.C., Academic Internship Program. Thanks to the generosity of businessman, television producer and political writer Neal B. Freeman, this annual lecture allows students to hear from notable speakers who address the principles of a free society, free markets, personal responsibility and virtue.

Lessons from Sweden

By Johan Norberg
2018 Walter Judd Freedom Award recipient Johan Norberg delivered the following remarks to TFAS supporters and alumni, sharing lessons from Sweden’s failed experiment with socialism and encouraging our fight for freedom to continue.

The Fight for Freedom

By Garry Kasparov
On Thursday, Sept. 28, Garry Kasparov accepted the 2017 Walter Judd Freedom Award during the TFAS 50th Anniversary Gala. As a pro-democracy activist on the world stage who has bravely spoken out against authoritarianism in his native Russia, Kasparov is a worthy recipient of this annual ...

The Beauty of Inequality

By John Tamny
Economist John Tamny delivered the following remarks to a room full of high school students and teachers, as well as supporters, attending a TFAS and FTE joint dinner. During his speech, Tamny makes the unexpected case that economic inequality is good.

Capitol Hill Lecture Series: Free Markets, Individual Liberty & Civil Society

By David Boaz, Arthur Brooks, Peter Schiff and Matt Welch

Each summer, The Fund for American Studies hosts a Capitol Hill Lecture Series that invites student interns to hear from prominent speakers on topics of free markets ...

Role Models for a Free Society

By Lawrence W. Reed
During these remarks, Reed cites the life stories of Thomas Clarkson, Fanny Crosby and Nicholas Winton, and showed students how character traits of honesty, intellectual humility, self-reliance, courage and optimism are essential for the preservation of a free society ...

Human Liberty and Flourishing

By Nikolai G. Wenzel
During his speech, Dr. Wenzel makes the argument that it is the ideas of the American founding that provide human flourishing and talks about how he conveys this to students as a professor in the TFAS sponsored Asia Institute on Political Economy (AIPE) in Hong Kong ...

Restoring Our Republican Constitution

By Randy E. Barnett
Barnett received one of four 2014 Bradley Prizes from the Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, a prestigious award presented to individuals who preserve and advance the American traditions of free representative government and private enterprise ...

Uncovering Corruption in Big Business and Big Government

By Tim Carney
Journalist and TFAS Novak Fellow Tim Carney delivered the following remarks to students attending the Institute on Business and Government Affairs (IBGA) of The Fund for American Studies (TFAS) in the summer of 2013 ...

Vexing the Ghost of Thomas Jefferson

By Daniel Hannan
British journalist and European Parliament member Daniel Hannan delivered the following remarks to TFAS supporters and alumni attending the 46th Anniversary Annual Conference in Charlottesville, Virginia. Hannan spoke to ...

American Exceptionalism in the Age of Obama

By Dr. Charles Krauthammer
At the 2010 TFAS Annual Conference, guests were honored to hear from Pulitzer Prize-winning editorialist Dr. Charles Krauthammer. He delivered the following remarks on "American Exceptionalism in the Age of Obama" to a room of TFAS supporters, faculty, alumni and friends.