Dr. Donald J. Boudreaux is a senior scholar at The Fund for American Studies (TFAS). He teaches Economics for the Citizen for TFAS D.C. Summer Programs.
Boudreaux served as chairman of the Department of Economics at George Mason University in Fairfax, Virginia, from August 2001 to August 2009. Previously, he was president of the Foundation for Economic Education (1997–2001), associate professor of legal studies and economics at Clemson University (1992–1997) and assistant professor of economics at George Mason University (1985–1989).
During the spring semester of 1996, he was an Olin Visiting Fellow in Law and Economics at the Cornell Law School. He earned his Ph.D. in economics from Auburn University (1986) and his law degree from the University of Virginia (1992).
The most important element TFAS conveys to students is the remarkable properties of society based on private property rights, the rule of law as embodied in the U.S. Constitution and the vitality of a market economy that is allowed to be free.”
– Dr. Donald J. Boudreaux
He has lectured in the United States, Canada, Latin America and Europe on a wide variety of topics, including the nature of law, antitrust law, and economics and international trade.
Boudreaux has been published in The Wall Street Journal, Investor’s Business Daily, Regulation, Reason, Ideas on Liberty, The Washington Times, The Journal of Commerce, the Cato Journal and several scholarly journals, such as the Supreme Court Economic Review, Southern Economic Journal, Antitrust Bulletin, and Journal of Money, Credit and Banking.
He is the author of “Globalization” (Greenwood Press, 2008) and has a blog with Russ Roberts entitled Café Hayek.
In 2013, TFAS recognized Boudreaux with the Outstanding Professor Award for his commitment to TFAS students. While presenting the award, President Roger Ream shared these words from a former student: “Professor Boudreaux is so animated, full of life and intelligent. I couldn’t have asked for a better professor to get me through these challenging weeks of class, because I had never before been introduced to economics. While it was probably the most difficult class I have ever taken in college to date, it was also the most worthwhile.”
Read more in Dr. Boudreaux’s Featured Professor Profile.