The TFAS Curriculum of Liberty Seminars are invitation-only alumni conferences focused on a variety of topics related to liberty. The program is held in partnership with the Liberty Fund, Inc., a private educational foundation established to encourage the study of the ideal of a society of free and responsible individuals.
Each conference is facilitated by a professor and implements a Socratic-style discussion model based on a set of issues. Participants are given required readings to complete prior to the conference. The selection of authors ranges from John Locke, Adam Smith and Friedrich Hayek to Frédéric Bastiat, Hernando de Soto and Milton Friedman.
It was very interesting to take part in the often intense debate over the interpretation of classical texts which bare evident relevance for our societies today, in terms of both politics and economics.” – Nikola Djuric ’12
Past TFAS Curriculum of Liberty Seminar Topics Include:
- Liberty from Locke to Hayek
- Liberty and Responsibility in the Media
- Liberty and Equality
- Civilization and Liberty
- Philanthropy and Liberty
If you are interested in attending a future Curriculum of Liberty Seminar or would like further information, please contact us at alumni@TFAS.org.