Established in 2008, TFAS Santiago has garnered a TFAS foothold in Latin America, where more than 500 students have been given the tools to defend freedom in a region where it has been under attack.
The competitive program brings together approximately 50 students from throughout Latin America and the United States to study economics, political theory and the basis for the rule of law and institutional governance.

Accredited through the University of the Andes, the TFAS Santiago program educates young people about the underpinnings of the free-enterprise system and encourages them to apply these concepts to institutions in their home countries. TFAS Santiago alumni have started free-market think tanks, been elected to office, started new political parties based on free-market principles and become columnists for major newspapers.
TFAS Santiago was one of the most enriching experiences that I have ever had. The opportunity to discuss Latin American issues, freedom and development with students from all over the world was inspiring.” – Julia Laborne ’16 of Brazil